
Laboratory protocols

The protocols developed during the MicrobeSeq project will be made available on, intended to be used for cross validation of workflows by Clinical Departments of Microbiology in Denmark. The open platform,, allows direct interaction by copying, raising questions, and adding comments.

Our Bacterial WGS and COVID-19 lab protocols have been thoroughly modernized and are made available. We are currently working on a standardized protocol for sequencing with Oxford Nanopore Technology using rapid barcoding on the MinION sequencers. 

Bacterial WGS using Illumina – SSI protocol
COVID post-PCR on Biomek – SSI protocol

Computer code

Github has been well established as a place to develop and share code. By sharing our computer code on Github, we aim at making our work transparent and collaborative. We welcome comments on our code, and discussions on settings and parameters. 

Link to Github

Project leaflet

MicrobeSeq brochure

Leaflet (pdf)