Data sharing

The MicrobeSeq project will support SSI’s strategy on sharing data nationally and internationally with all relevant stakeholders.

The purpose of sharing data is to contribute to the genome-based surveillance of infectious diseases as well as outbreak investigations both at regional, national, EU and international level.

The project will facilitate that data from the genome based surveillance of infectious diseases in Denmark is shared:

  1. among regional clinical laboratories in Denmark
  2. with the food and veterinary authorities in Denmark (zoonotic and foodborne pathogens)
  3. at European public health level by sharing our data in the ECDC molecular surveillance system
  4. publicly and internationally through uploading Danish genome sequences to publicly accessible repositories of sequence data

Data sharing will always be performed with consideration to the legal and general data protection regulations.

Contact regarding data sharing policy

Eva Møller Nielsen
T: 3268 3644 @:

Contact regarding legal/GDPR

Sofie Marie Edslev
T: 3268 8909 @: