Sustaining laboratory developments to ensure future preparedness and alternative sequencing workflows .
To match future health threats and to limit supply chain impact this part of the MicrobeSeq project will enable research initiatives to test alternative WGS and PCR/RT-PCR technologies. This includes development of rapid workflows and exploring alternative chemistries.
This work package will facilitate these goals by:
- Exploring alternative lab processes and WGS technologies
- Ensuring data pipelines and analysis tools are developed to handle and interpret the output from these lab processes
- Documenting and assessing viability of alternative processes
The outcome will be a local competency and documentation of new laboratory approaches and processes for WGS surveillance and RT-PCR. These procedures can then be utilized for rapid screening, rapid WGS based analysis, and sustain a rapid expansion of capacity, also in cases of supply chain limitations.
Marc Stegger,
Bioinformatik / Sekventering og Bioinformatik
T. +45 32688141
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